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4 Signs Of A Fantastic Communicator In Middle Management

4 Signs Of A Fantastic Communicator In Middle Management

Excellent leadership is innate to some people. But if you’re looking for a new middle manager, they must be able to show how they’re adept at their role. The best leaders cannot act on their instincts if they are unable to articulate themselves well. That’s why we put communication skills front and centre when we […]
Recruiting by Numbers

Recruiting by Numbers

Hello, my name is Simon and I’m a Recruitment Consultant – with honesty and integrity! There, I’ve said it! Most people don’t associate such values with recruitment agencies and seem to constantly berate them on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. But, in today’s social media-driven world, you are only really one connection away from someone. […]
A Chat with Simon Parsons, Director of SPE Connect

A Chat with Simon Parsons, Director of SPE Connect

Recruitment is more than a numbers game. The strength of middle management in any organisation relies on understanding where and how unique qualities are rewarded. Simon, our Director, knows what it takes for someone to thrive in a business that has the potential to change their life. To celebrate SPE’s 10th birthday – as well […]
How Can You Attract The Best Area Managers?

How Can You Attract The Best Area Managers?

A company that knows what it stands for, and what it can give people, is cream of the crop when it comes to a mid-level hiring initiative. Take area managers, for instance. They’ll be bearing a lot of responsibility, and as a rule, they’ll want a few things in return. This goes far beyond a […]
What Does the Skills Shortage Mean for British Pubs?

What Does the Skills Shortage Mean for British Pubs?

The data is fairly stark. Thanks to a survey from the Office of National Statistics, we know that the number of UK chefs fell by 17% during 2017-18. This comes at a time when the hospitality sector is feeling the squeeze from Brexit, as well as calls for an official qualification to be set up […]
When Middle Management Goes Wrong…

When Middle Management Goes Wrong…

Inspiring leadership is like a great rhythm to a song; we barely notice it when it’s working properly. On the other hand, poor senior management is much more apparent, causing many areas of an organisation to break down, and cuts to profits or morale. Middle management is the connective tissue between the top and lower […]